Posts Tagged ‘exploited children’

Jenee Littrell Fights Against the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children

May 17, 2016

Knowing that I’m writing a non-fiction book that incorporates issues related to sexual trafficking, Ms. Jenee Littrell recently sent me an op-ed piece that she’s authored on the topic. Her abbreviated bio follows below and I’ll publish her actual article on Thursday May 19, 2016

Jeneé Littrell was recently named the Director of Safe and Supportive Schools for the San Mateo County Office of Education. She has more than 16-years-experience as a strategic leader and innovator implementing effective supports for students.

 For five years, Jeneé concurrently served as the Director of Guidance and Wellness for the Grossmont Union High School District in eastern San Diego County and as Director of Project SHIELD, a federally funded, multi-million dollar Safe Schools/Healthy Students grant. She has led numerous trainings for teachers and administrators in Positive Behavior Supports and Restorative Justice Instruction. She has also held such roles as Crisis Team Coordinator, Parent-Community Liaison, SARB (Student Attendance Review Board) Coordinator, and has served as Director of Camp LEAD, a student-centered leadership program, since its inception in 2009.

 Ms. Littrell holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Public Administration, a Master of Arts in Educational Counseling, a Master of Science in Educational Leadership and two educational credentials, a PPS (Pupil Personnel Services) credential and an ASC (Administrative Services) credential. In 2010, she earned a Mental Health in Schools Certificate from George Washington University in Washington DC.

 In 2011 Jeneé was appointed by the San Diego County Board of Supervisors to serve as the Chair of the Human Trafficking/Commercial Sexual Exploitation Advisory Council. This multidisciplinary group is charged with identifying best practices in prevention, enforcement and protection of minors involved in domestic sex trafficking.

Jeneé recently authored Human Trafficking in America’s Schools with the Department of Education. This guide is based on the CSEC model that she created in the Grossmont Union High School District and serves as a resource for schools across the nation to address and prevent CSEC on school campuses.

Jeneé is a nationally recognized expert in the area of CSEC (Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children), and this past spring was named Citizen of the Year by the Department of Justice and the Center for Missing and Exploited Children.